Exmoor bed & breakfast at Monks Cleeve in Exford
Exmoor National Park is a wonderful place to spend a few days - relaxing and enjoying the peace and tranquility, the magnificent views on the heather moorland and along the rugged north Devon coast. There are many popular attractions that are a must on your visit including West Somerset Steam Railway which runs from the coastal town of Minehead along the coast the Blue Anchor, Dunster and Watchet then inland through the pretty stations at Crowcombe and Stogumber to Bishops Lydeard where you can stop for lunch before your return journey. Another popular place to eat on your journey is the Driftwood Cafe at Blue Anchor.
The medieval village of Dunster with its cobbled streets, quaint shops and National Trust castle should be on your list of places to visit. Lynton, Lynmouth, Porlock, Winsford, Tarr Steps, Lorna Doone country are also popular.
Walking, riding, golf, country pursuits, bird watching, mountain biking are all available.
The north Devon surfing beaches of Woolacombe, Croyde and Putsborough are about an hour's drive from the bed and breakfast and will give you an excellent day out.
There are plenty of National Trust properties to visit nearby including Nighthayes, Arlington Court, Dunster Castle. Also throughout the summer many open gardens for you to explore, with plants to take home and delicious cream teas to sample.
There are lots of pretty rural villages with thatched cottages and cottage gardens. Farmers Markets, Craft Fairs and Antique Fayres take place throughout Somerset.
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This page was last updated: 05 November 2012